Can you write a winning music related article? If you think so, don't miss the chance to enter the writing competition. First prize is a gift card worth 50 USD. All stories will be published and author of the article with most pageviews will win. All you need is to submit your article to as soon as possible.
The competition is opened to all writers, published or unpublished. The theme is not set precisely but all entries must contain a strong musical element. The maximum length is 800 words.
The will publish all entries and the exciting prize is a gift voucher worth 50 USD. The judges will be the readers of website. The article with most pageviews will win.
Competition Rules
1) The competition is opened to all writers over 15 years old, other than current employees, or regular contributors, or their immediate families, of website. No purchase is necessary.
2) One person can submit unlimited number of entries, but pageviews for multiple entries are not accumulated.
3) The essay must be no longer than 800 words.
4) The article must be the original work of the entrant who must be the sole copyright holder.
5) The writer of the winning entry and any runners-up agree by entering the competition that shall have the right to publish, distribute and syndicate the essays whether in print, electronic, online or any other medium, on any website and in any database, archive or library, on- or off-line, and in any media.
6) Winner is decided on google analytics statistics for specific URL. Multiple pageviews from one source will be deleted..
6) Once the winner is announced, entrants other than the winner can use their pieces in whatever way they choose.
7) The competition organisers reserve the right to withhold prize in whole or in part if the standard of the entries so warrants or if the pageviews of the winning article is less than 10,000 or there is less that 10 competing articles.
8) The verdict is final. No correspondence will be entered into concerning the final choice of winner.